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Thursday, 16 July 2015 13:55

ignou mba assignments 2015

Course Code : MS-01
Course Title : Management Functions and Behavior
Assignment Code : MS-01/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 2015 to the coordinator of your study centre.

1. How does MIS affect the efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation? Explain and discuss with the help of the organisational example you have come across or, known to you. Briefly describe the essential details of the organisation, you are referring to, along with basic components of the MIS and reporting relationships currently existing in the organisation.

2. Compare and evaluate the relevance and suitability of various decision making models in different organisational set ups and situations. Explain the decision making model decision making which is / was predominately suitable in an organisation, you are aware of or familiar with and why? Briefly describe basic details of the organisation, you are referring to, for better understanding of the context and hierarchical structure.

3. What are the essential pre-requisites and significant key considerations in effecting effective delegation of authority in an organisational set up and why? Critically evaluate with examples, known to you by way of working in an organisation or having acquaintance with. Briefly explain the situation/s and the organisation being referred by you.

4. Present a comparative brief of various leadership styles. Explain in detail the leadership style you are currently faced with in the organisation you are working for or you are aware of. Which leadership style/s, in your opinion, boosts efficiency of the organisation and commitment of the employees towards the organisational goals, in general, and why? Substantiate your answer with suitable organisational examples along with describing its essential features.

Course Code : MS-02
Course Title : Management of Human Resources
Assignment Code : MS - 02/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.

1. “In the prevailing context of business world wide, the organizations are faced with five critical challenges viz; Globalisation, Profitability through growth, Technology, Intellectual capital and Change, and Change and more change, Collectively these challenges require building new capabilities.” Elaborate this statement and discuss the underlying concepts with respect to the organisational efforts in the directions of addressing these challenges and their fall out / impact, from the experience you have had while working in an organisation or from the ones you are familiar with. Give relevant details of the organisation/s you are referring to.

2. Present a brief account of various Performance Appraisal methods and the problems generally encountered in the processes. Does a particular method of Performance Appraisal suit a particular type of organisation? If yes, why? , if no why? Explain and critically evaluate the Performance Appraisal you have come across while working in an organisation, or having familiarity with. Briefly explain the organisation, you are referring to.

3. “An organisation can be defined as a system of Roles, while a role itself is a system.” “The system of various roles which the individual carries and performs, and the system of various roles of which his / her role is a part.” Elaborate the statements and explain with relevant examples as to how and why these statements assume importance and play significant role in processes of various dimensions of Role Efficacy in an organisational set up. Give relevant and essential details of the organization and the Roles you are referring to.

4. “Motivational Systems and Reward Management are assuming greater importance day- by-day in the formal organisational set up.” Critically evaluate this statement and explain with your organizational experience or the ones you are familiar with, the reason and their inevitability, if any, in the functioning / sustainability of an organisation in today’s competitive environment. Briefly describe the organisation and the situation you are referring to.

Course Code : MS-03
Course Title : Economic and Social Environment
Assignment Code : MS-03/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 2015 to the coordinator of your study centre.

1. A thorough understanding of economic and social environment of business is essential for running enterprises successfully. Briefly discuss the statement citing examples.

2. What are the different viewpoints about the role of Government? Analyse the role of Government in today’s world.

3. Discuss the role and importance of Small Scale Industry (SSI) in a developing economy in the present context.

4. Briefly analyse the impact of regulatory and promotional policy framework on industrial structure and performance.

5. Collect data on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for the past decade and analyse its implications.

6. Highlight the basic concept, of the theory of public finance and explain how do they help in understanding the fiscal system of an economy.

Course Code : MS-04
Course Title : Accounting and Finance for Managers
Assignment Code : MS-04/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Discuss the activities performed by accounting personnel and the role and responsibilities that they undertake in an organisation.
2. You are required to prepare Funds Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement for the year ending 31 st March 2015, based on the information given below.
Balance Sheet
(As on 31
st March)

3. Explain briefly the technique of Marginal Costing. In what ways you consider this technique useful in Management Accounting.


4. A company manufactures a single product in its factory utilizing 60% of its capacity. The selling price and cost details are given below:
Rs. Sales (6,000 units) 5,40,000

Direct materials 96,000

Direct labour 1,20,000

Direct expenses 18,000

Fixed overheads: Factory 2,00,000

Administration 21,000

Selling and Distribution 25,000

12.5% of factory overheads and 20% of selling and distribution overheads are variable with production and sales. Administrative overheads are wholly fixed.

Since the existing product could not achieve budgeted level for two consecutive years, the Company decides to introduce a new product with marginal investment but largely using the existing plant and machinery. The cost estimates of the new product are as follows:

Cost elements                                                  Rs. per unit

Direct materials                                                     16.00

Direct labour                                                         15.00

Direct expenses                                                       1.50

Variable factory overheads                                       2.00

Variable selling and distribution overheads             1.50

It is expected that 2,000 units of the new product can be sold at a price of Rs. 60 per unit. The fixed factory overheads are expected to increase by 10%, while fixed selling and distribution expenses will go up by Rs. 12,500 annually. Administrative overheads remain unchanged. However, there will be an increase of working capital to the extent of Rs. 75,000, which would take the total cost of the project to Rs. 8.75 lakh. The company considers that 20% pre-tax and interest return on investment is the minimum acceptable to justify any new investment. You are required to (a) Decide whether the new product be introduced. (b) Make any further observations/recommendations about profitability of the Company on the basis of the above data, after making assumption that the present investment is Rs. 8 lakh.
5. How do you envisage your role as a Finance Manager in matters related to dividend policy? What are the alternatives and factors that you may consider before finalizing your views on dividend policy?

Course Code : MS-05
Course Title : Management of Machines and Materials
Assignment Code : MS-05/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Why is it more difficult to increase productivity of a service system as compared to a production system? Elaborate by giving suitable examples.


2. What is the importance of materials handling in designing a layout? How will you go about selecting the materials handling system?


3. It is usually presumed that ‘resistance to change is a characteristic attributed to people’. What would be your personal reactions, if some work design analyst came to your work station to conduct a study of your work?


4. What is the distinctive feature of job production as compared to mass and batch production systems? Elaborate with examples.


5. “Inventory management for slow moving expensive items should focus more on lead time reduction than anything else”. Critically examine the statement.


6. Write short notes on the following: a) Product design b) Work Measurement c) Modular Production and Group Technology d) Purchasing Organization

Course Code : MS - 06
Course Title : Marketing for Managers
Assignment Code : MS-06/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.

1. (a) “Distinguish between Product Marketing Vs. Services Marketing with suitable illustrations”. Explain why service marketing is considered as more challenging than product marketing. Elaborate with suitable examples.

(b) Marketing involves much more than selling and adverting” Discuss.

2. (a) What are the major objectives of Sales Promotion initiated by firms? Discuss the role and responsibilities of a Sales Managers in conceiving and executing such sales promotion programs of any FMCG, company of your choice.

(b) Discuss the major considerations involved in designing Marketing Organization. Explain taking one example from the following: i) a consumer durable company of Pan-India operations . ii) an FMCG Company with operation in South India.

3. (a) What is Segmentation? Why and when marketers undertake segmentation activity? Discuss the Segmentation variable you will consider to segment.

i) an FMCG product of your choice

ii) a 650 C.C. motorcycle targeted at Urban India

(b) What do you understand by the term Marketing Research and discuss its scope and challenges in the Indian business environment.

4. (a) As a distribution logistics manager of an e-tailer /on line marketer what are the various physical distribution tasks that you would consider and why?

(b) Discuss the 4 PS of Marketing mix with suitable examples. Discuss the role of packaging as a tool for market development with suitable illustrations.

Course Code : MS - 07
Course Title : Information Systems for Managers
Assignment Code : MS-07/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.

1. What is the purpose of a computer aided decision support system? What are the major components of such a system? How does it help the decision making process?


2. What are the determinants of MIS design according to Zani? Explain the following statement, “there is a two way relationship between organization and Information Systems”.


3. Distinguish between data, information and knowledge. Discuss the importance of information system for business decisions.


4. In which phase of system life cycle the following are performed? Defining the problem, identifying its causes, specifying the solution, and indentifying the information requirements.


5. What do you understand by Artificial Intelligence? What are the factors that highlighted the need of developing AI? What are the goals of AI?


6. Write short notes on the following: a) Metadata b) Fuzzy Logic c) Enterprise Information System d) Open Source Software

Course Code : MS - 8
Course Title : Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications
Assignment Code : MS-8/ TMA /SEM - II /2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.

  1. The frequency distribution of total annual emoluments of a sample of 100 executives working in multinational companies is given below:





2. A population consisting of a certain proportion of defective items has mean µ = 2. If a sample of 4 items is examined and repeated 200 times, obtain a) probability of an item being defective, b) probability of getting 2 defective items in the sample, c) expected frequency of getting 2 defective items, and d) expected frequency of getting at the most 2 defective items. Is the resultant distribution skewed?


3. A research organization claims that the monthly wages of industrial workers in district X exceeds that of those in district Y by more than Rs 150. Two different samples drawn independently from the two districts yielded the following results: District X: District Y: Verify at 0.05 level of significance whether the sample results support the claim of the organization.

4. The following data relate to marketing expenditure in Rs lac and the corresponding sales of a product in Rs crores. Estimate the marketing expenditure to attain a sales target of Rs 40 crores.




5. Write short notes on:

i) Adjoint of a matrix

ii) Skewness and its measures

iii) Business forecasting

Course Code : MS-9
Course Title : Managerial Economics
Assignment Code : MS-9/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 2015 to the coordinator of your study centre.

1. “The traditional objective of the firm has been profit maximization. It is still regarded as the most common and theoretically the most plausible objective of business firms.” Discuss.


2. With reference to the marketing approach of demand measurement explain any two important sources of data used in demand forecasting.


3. Given the total cost function: C=16q2 + 10q+36 (where q is the output) Find: (i) values of q for which ATC is falling, and (ii) values of q for which ATC is rising.


4.“A Tata Sky Direct - to - Home (DTH) service provider charges a base fee for booking into its system and then charges extra for base packs, add-on packs, active packs and special packs.” Explain this statement in terms of the Two- Part Tariffs used as pricing strategy by the company.


5. Explain the profit maximizing output for a perfectly competitive firm in the long run.


6. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Breakeven output level

(b) Marginal rate of technical substitution

(c) Average variable cost

Course Code : MS - 10
Course Title : Organisational Design, Development and Change
Assignment Code : MS-10/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 2015 to the coordinator of your study center.


1. Describe the factors that affect organisational design and explain different approaches in assessing organisational effectiveness with the help of examples.


2. Discuss the concept of ‘process-based change’. Cite organizational examples where process based change has taken place successfully.


3. Describe and discuss the trends in the present day work organisations and the role of management in ‘quality of work life’.


4. Explain the concept of organizational diagnosis. Describe any two methods of diagnosis and its benefits and limitations with the help of examples.


5. What are the different sources of resistance to change? Describe the process of overcoming resistance to change. Discuss with examples.

Course Code : MS - 11
Course Title : Strategic Management
Assignment Code : MS-11/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Chose an organization of your choice from the manufacturing sector. Perform a SWOT analysis on the organization. Based on the SWOT analysis performed, list out the challenges the organization is facing, which can be converted into opportunities.


2. How does Focus strategy create competitive advantage for an organization? Illustrate your answer with the help of an example.


3. List and explain various strategic issues arising when an organization follows diversification as a part of its growth strategy.


4. Describe different leadership styles of Top Management with the help of real world examples.

Course Code : MS - 25
Course Title : Managing Change in Organisations
Assignment Code : MS-25/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Discuss the important factors responsible for change. Explain with the help of examples what makes excellent companies tick?


2. Discuss the concept of ‘turnaround management’. Cite organizational examples where turnaround management has taken place successfully.


3. Explain the concept of ‘intervention’ and types of interventions with the help of examples.


4. Enlist the key roles in managing change citing suitable organisational examples.

Course Code : MS - 26
Course Title : Organisational Dynamics
Assignment Code : MS-26/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. What is alienation? Explain the Sociological and Psychological approach to alienation. Discuss how alienation can be dealt with an example.

2. What is organizational Stress? Briefly describe the strategies to cope with stress at individual and organizational levels. Cite few instances how you deal with organizational stress that you have faced.

3. Discuss the importance of delegation and the forces which influence delegation. Describe how delegation improved the effectiveness of an organisation with an example.


4. Describe the importance of ethics in present day environment of organisations. Discuss how organisations can promote ethical behavior. Illustrate.


5. Discuss and describe various dimensions of Diversity and the approaches to deal with Diversity.

Course Code : MS - 27
Course Title : Wage and Salary Administration
Assignment Code : MS-27/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre. s


1. Explain the functions and responsibility in a compensation programme of any organization you are familiar with. Discuss the issues and current trends of the compensation programme.


2. Define wages under various labour legislation. Discuss, how minimum wage differs from need based minimum wage?


3. Define job evaluation. Explain the methods and systems of job evaluation have been followed in any organization you are familiar with. Discuss, how job evaluation is linked to wage fixation.


4. Define and discuss incentives and pre-requisites of effective incentive scheme. Explain the various individual and group incentive plans and their respective merits and demerits.


5. Explain the concept of tax planning. Discuss the tax planning on employee compensation. What is the distinction between tax planning and tax avoidance?

Course Code : MS - 28
Course Title : Labour Laws
Assignment Code : MS-28/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. What are the sources of Industrial jurisprudence? Explain the genesis, objectives and classification of labour legislation in India.


2. Discuss the scope and coverage of the Mines Act, 1952. Explain the process of enforcement of the Act.


3. Discuss the object, scope and coverage of the Industrial Employment (standing orders) Act, 1946. Explain the concept, nature and certification process of standing orders.


4. Explain the objectives, scope and coverage of the minimum wages Act, 1948. Discuss the powers which the Government can exercise under the Minimum Wages Act.


5. Discuss the genesis and applicability of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948. Explain the procedure for registration of a factory or an establishment under the Act. State the various benefits payable under the Act?

Course Code : MS - 29
Course Title : International Human Resource Management
Assignment Code : MS-29/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1) Explain cultural differences and similarities in a global perspective. Enlist the strategies for dealing with cultural differences in global organisations citing examples.


2) Describe the ‘five-phase’ systematic approach to designing cross-cultural training programmes. What are the challenges faced in training expatriate managers? Cite illustrations.


3) Discuss the barriers to cross-cultural communication citing suitable examples.


4) Explain the issues and concerns of international industrial relations scenario with the help of relevant examples.

Course Code : MS - 44
Course Title : Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Assignment Code : MS-44/TMA/SEM - II /2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 2015 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. What do you understand by investment risk? Classify the traditional sources of investment risk and mention whether they are general sources of risk or specific sources of risk. How is interest rate risk related to inflation risk?


2. Define the various forms of the market efficiency. State the anomalies in the Efficient Market Hypothesis.


3. Discuss the CAPM and its application in portfolio selection. Explain the relationship between SML, CML and Characteristic Line.


4. What are the basic assumptions of Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)? Discuss the problems associated with the empirical testing of APT.


5. Distinguish between performance measurement and performance evaluation of an investment portfolio. Describe the Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen measures of portfolio returns.

Course Code : MS - 45
Course Title : International Financial Management
Assignment Code : MS-45/TMA/SEM - II /2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Explain in detail how the international financial architecture evolved over a period of time.


2. Explain Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) relationship and its applications. What are the reasons for deviations from such relationship?


3. Describe different types of foreign exchange exposures. Explain the techniques used for management of transaction exposure.


4. Explain in detail the Credit Insurance Policies and Maturity Factoring services offered by Export Credit Guarantee Corporation.


5. Discuss the basic steps involved in evaluating foreign projects. Why should a foreign project be evaluated individually as well as from its parent company's viewpoint?

Course Code : MS - 46
Course Title : Management of Financial Services
Assignment Code : MS-46/TMA/SEM - II /2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 2015 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Choose any Financial Institution of your choice and discuss the impact of technology on the services provided by this Institution in the past two to three years.


2. Select any Non-Bank Finance Company or Financial Institution that issues debt instruments to raise funds from the market. Discuss in detail the instruments raised by that company.


3. Discuss different types of schemes which a mutual fund normally launches and compare their features.


4. Explain the guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India in 2000 for regulating the Venture Capital Funds and Venture Capital Companies in India.


5. For your business if you were to take non-life insurance products, which ones you would prefer and why. Discuss the policies you have chosen in detail.

Course Code : MS - 55
Course Title : Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Assignment Code : MS-55/ TMA/SEM - II /2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. “Logistics is the function that is responsible for the flow of materials into, through and out of an organisation”. Elaborate! Take the case of a Book Publisher and describe the input and output of materials from the Logistics point of view.


2. Explain (i) Global sourcing and its advantages and disadvantages (ii) World-class management model with respect to SCM.


3. Write a brief note on the following: a. Electronic commerce b. Electronic Data Interchange c. Bar Coding and Scanning d. Data Warehouse


4. “The most common method for evaluating non-economic factors in a facility location study is to use a scoring model” Why? Give justifications.


5. Explain how a company can select a third party logistics (3PL) firm on the basis of customer orientation, level of specialization, asset ownership status and price of the service.

Course Code : MS - 56
Course Title : Materials Management
Assignment Code : MS-56/ TMA/SEM - II /2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.

1. “Materials management contains an integrated process of materials flow, in, through and out of an organization”. Comment and talk about the reasons behind it!


2. Comment:

a. Sound ethical principles contribute toward better buyer-seller relationships.

b. Management of supplier network has become a contemporary and critical issue?


3. “Certain elements of JIT, like JIT purchasing, can be incorporated in a batch production environment using MRP II, and MRP with JIT may be quite useful and effective in bringing down inventory levels, particularly WIP inventory”. State the reasons behind this.


4. State the role of backlog list in a CONWIP system. Also compare the Kanban and CONWIP systems for controlling WIP inventories?

5. What are the objectives of a good warehouse layout? Is it always not possible to implement a good warehouse layout? Comment on the management strategy keeping cost and time factors in mind.

6. Write short notes on:

a. BIN Cards

b. Closed/Open stores system

c. Preservation of materials

Course Code : MS-57
Course Title : Maintenance Management
Assignment Code : MS-57/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. What are the life cycle cost components for any plant? Which are the factors affecting life cycle profits of any industrial plant?


2. Explain what is meant by cost absorption and cost apportionment? Illustrate each with two examples from maintenance department. Discuss the methods of cost absorption and state which method do you consider to be the best and why?


3. The liberalized economy is forcing Indian companies to establish Total Quality Management Systems. It is a struggle, which has just begun and Indian companies will continue to do so just to be in the race – lest they perish. Quality will be just a qualifier, not a competitive advantage anymore. Do you agree? Why?


4. What are the various techniques, which can be used for scheduling and monitoring of projects? Why is network analysis preferred? What is the basic difference between CPM and PERT?


5. Are the jobs in maintenance department popular with the young engineering graduates? What would you suggest to make the maintenance function more attractive?


6. Write the short notes on the following a) Lube Oil Monitoring b) Opportunistic Maintenance c) Zero Based Budgeting d) Maintainability

Course Code : MS-58
Course Title : Management of R&D and Innovation
Assignment Code : MS-58/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Creativity in an organization, to a large extent, depends upon the environment that prevails. Examine the statement and bring out the factors that can create an environment of creativity in the organization.


2. How do partnerships in innovation and R & D activity come into being? Do partnerships happen by accident or by conscious planning? Give some examples of agencies in different countries which facilitate partnering in innovation and R & D.


3. How would you distinguish Theory X from X from Theory Y of McGregor? Do you agree with these theories? If so, Why?


4. Discuss the rationale of co-operation between industry, institution and Government. Make an assessment of the kind of co-operation that is exited in India in the light of the co-operation that exists in some other countries like Japan and U.S.A. for promotion of R & D and technology development.


5. Should a consultant be associated with an R & D project from its inception to completion or a consultant should be approached only when his advice is required at some stage or for a specific problem only? Justify your views.


6. Write short notes on the following:

a) Technology Package

b) Benchmarking

c) R & D Budgeting

d) Innovative Capability

Course Code : MS - 66
Course Title : Marketing Research
Assignment Code : MS-66/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 2015 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. a) What is Marketing Research? When and why firms undertake marketing research. Illustrate with suitable example.


b) Explain the basis of classification of various types of research design available to the marketer.

2. a) Distinguish Data firm Information. What are the different types of data needed in conducting Marketing Research Project? Briefly discuss their merits and limitations.


b) Explain the importance of Questionnaire in a Marketing Research project. Describe in detail the format and steps involved in designing a questionnaire for a leading private sector bank to ascertain the customer perception of the services being offered by the bank.


3. a) What are the various types of scales used in Marketing Research to measure the attitude of different respondent towards a product / service explain them briefly.


b) Distinguish between qualitative research from quantitative research and highlight the major differences with suitable examples.


4. a) What is the significance of Data Processing in an Marketing Research Project? Discuss the various components or elements which are involved in data processing task and highlight their importance in the final analysis.


b) What is cluster analysis? Discuss the possible application areas by taking any two examples of your choice.

Course Code : MS - 68
Course Title : Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising
Assignment Code : MS-68/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.

1. (a) What are the major objectives of Marketing Communication? Discuss with two suitable examples the role and its implication in the promotion of a firms Product or Service offering.

(b) What do you understand by Creative Association? Explain the various kinds of creative associations in the following situation

i) Home Appliance targeted at working women.

ii) Automatic variant of small car targeted at young urban professional.


2. (a) What are the various techniques to allocate promotions budget? Which technique would you suggest to the following and why?

i) An established consumer durable company re launching an improved food processor in the market.

ii) An FMCG firm adding a new fragrance to the existing range of premium soaps for women.

(b) Explain the various steps involved in media planning. Discuss how media planning would differ in the following product categories.

i) A toothpaste brand

ii) Washing machine

iii) 150 CC motorcycle brand of your choice

3. (a) What do you understand by the term timing pattern in advertising. What are its benefits and limitations? Suggest and justify timing pattern with reference to.

i) Woolen garments

ii) Lemonade (Lime Juice)

iii) Launch of new smart phone

(b) What are the major reasons for the growth of internet marketing across major cities in India? Elaborate the major advantages and limitation of Internet Marketing.

4. (a) Being considered as a spokesperson of an enterprise bring out the role and responsibilities of a Public Relation Manager of a firm you are associated or familiar with in the promotion and positioning a firm’s image both internal and external to the enterprise.

(b) What is pre-testing and post testing in advertising. Discuss any two methods of your choice.

Course Code : MS-91
Course Title : Advanced Strategic Management
Assignment Code : MS-91/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Define corporate policy and explain the policy formulation process.


2. Read the case study on ‘Corporate Governance at TISCO’. Highlight the policies and practices adopted by TISCO which appeal to you most and what suggestions would you like to offer for TISCO to adopt good Corporate Governance practices.


3. What are the various pricing strategies available/suitable for different market structures? Discuss.

4. Describe the techniques which have been developed to enhance creativity.

5. Discuss the nature of Corporate Philanthropy and the relevance of Strategic Philanthropy for business organizations.

6. Write short notes on the following:

a) Business Ethics and Internal Environment


b) Competitive Advantage and R&D

Course Code : MS - 94
Course Title : Technology Management
Assignment Code : MS-94/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Explain how R & D can be a source of competitive advantage for a business organization. Illustrate your answer with the help of an example.


2. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate technologies giving examples. List out the accepted criteria for selecting appropriate technology in the contemporary situation.


3. Discuss the concept of Relevance Tree Technique. Explain the use of this technique in the present context.


4. What are the various source of technology information? How are they useful at the enterprise level in the present context? Explain.

Course Code : MS - 95
Course Title : Research Methodology for Management Decisions
Assignment Code : MS-95/TMA/SEM - II /2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 2015 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Discuss the various experimental designs as powerful tools to study the cause and effect relationships amongst variables in research.


2. Explain Stratified Random Sampling. Describe proportional allocation and optimum allocation with the help of an example.


3. A physical instructor claims that a particular exercise when done continuously for 7 days, reduces body weight at least by 3.5kg. Five overweight girls did the exercise for 7 days and their body weights were found as under: Girls 1 2 3 4 5 Weight before exercise 70 72 75 71 78 Weight after exercise 66 70 72 66 72 Making use of the sign test, verify the claim at α = 0.05 that the exercise reduces weight by at least 3.5kg.


4. Explain the different parts of a typical research report. Also prepare a sample Index page of such report.


5. Write short notes on:

i) Dependent and Independent variable

ii) Copy Reading

iii) Discriminant Analysis.

Course Code : MS - 96
Course Title : Total Quality Management
Assignment Code : MS-96/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Ford Company has adopted the Deming philosophy. Based on your learning about the Deming philosophy, explain how Ford Company has complied with the philosophy.


2. Why is strategic planning important for implementing TQM? Explain using an example from the business world.


3. Refer to the published material on ISO 26000 and explain how business organizations can operate in a socially responsible way.


4. Chose an organization of your choice having a specific quality programme. Discuss the quality programme followed by the organization and how it has helped the organization sustain in the competitive world.

Course Code : MS-97
Course Title : International Business
Assignment Code : MS-97/TMA/SEM-II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. Discuss the factors which influence foreign investment decisions. Explain how a firm makes choices of location for doing business.


2. Classify the planning modes adopted by the MNEs. Give illustrations.


3. Explain the need for control in multinational operations. Examine the interrelationship between ownership and control of foreign subsidiaries.


4. Select a multinational enterprise (name and describe the MNE) and discuss the management practices adopted by it.


5. What are the objectives of trade groupings? Briefly discuss their individual success in achieving these objectives.

Course Code : MS - 611
Course Title : Rural Marketing
Assignment Code : MS-611/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit them to the Co-ordinator of your study centre latest by 31 st October, 2015.


1. You are a marketer of fast moving consumer goods with strong roots in the urban markets. You now want to expand in rural areas. What would be the specific marketing challenges presented by rural markets? Explain with the help of examples.


2. Briefly explain the rural economic and technological environment. How do these environmental factors affect the marketing decisions and opportunities in case of mobile phones?


3. Explain the role of reference groups in the context of rural markets. What in your opinion would be the most influential reference groups for the following product categories? Give reasons for your choice. a) Tractors b) Refrigerators


4. What are the challenges involved in the distribution of products in the rural markets? What would you advise to the marketers of consumer durables to address these challenges?


5. Explain the concept of promotional pricing in the context of rural markets giving suitable examples.


6. What are the various media options that are available for rural markets? Discuss their relative advantages and disadvantages.

Course Code : MS - 612
Course Title : Retail Management
Assignment Code : MS-612/TMA/SEM - II/2015
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 201 5 to the coordinator of your study centre.


1. a) Distinguish a retailer from retail business in the Indian context. Explain why the neighborhood small retailers still continue to be favored by the customer.


b) Discuss the major factors which lead to unprecedented growth of retailing in the Indian scenario.

2. a) Distinguish traditional retail formats from modern retail formats with suitable illustrations.


b) What do you understand by the term “Atmospherics” in retail business? What are the key components of atmospherics that retailer should consider for increased foot falls. .



3. a) Critically evaluate the significance of Locational Decisions in retail business . What are the factors that the following retail businesses should consider before finalizing the site for their respective store.

i) chain of chemist stores

ii) leading two wheeler motorcycle dealership iii) private brand grocery retailer


b) Define Merchandizing. Discuss the major objectives of merchandising in retail business and elaborate on the role and responsibilities of a merchandizing Manager in achieving the firms merchandise objectives.


4. a) Discuss and distinguish transactional marketing from relationship marketing with suitable examples. Taking any retail business of your choice suggest ways to establish customer loyalty.


b) What are the major growth drivers of Non-Store retail business in India? Discuss the challenges for their sustenance.

Friday, 29 May 2015 16:41

ibo-06 solved paper

Term-End Examination
December, 2014
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Explain the concepts of 'Balance of Trade' and 'Balance of Payments', with the help of specific illustrations.

2. "A change in the exchange rate can result in three different exposures for a company : translation exposure, transaction exposure and economic exposure". Explain the mechanism with suitable illustrations.

3. Explain the international money transfer mechanism.

4. Discuss the broad features of international monetary system, highlighting the role of international monetary system.
5. Explain the concept of Foreign Direct Investment. While explaining briefly the policy framework adopted in
India, suggest change(s) in the policy in view of the prevailing crisis in country's balance of payments.

6. Explain the CAPM model in relation to cost of capital.

7. One of the major concerns for multinationals intending to invest in other countries is the assessment and measurement of political risks. How do the multinationals do it ? Explain.

8. Distinguish, with examples between :

(a) Currency Swaps and Interest Rate Swaps.

(b) Factoring and Forfeiting

9. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Exchange Rate Forecasting

(b) Purchasing Power Parity

(c) Loan Syndication Process

(d) Yield Curve

Thursday, 28 May 2015 17:00

ibo-05 solved paper

Term-End Examination
December, 2014
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Explain the concept and elements of 'Marketing Logistics', and state the objectives to be achieved through a proper logistics system in the international marketing context.

 2. (a) Outline the role of road transport in movement of import and export cargo, and state the limitations of Indian road transport system in this context.

 (b) "Warehousing is an important link in the chain of marketing". Comment.

 3. "Despite increasing volume of India's overseas trade, the performance of Indian shipping has been rather disappointing". Elaborate on this statement and discuss the constraints faced by Indian shipping industry.

4. Distinguish between :

(a) Voyage Charter and Demise Charter.

(b) Shipowners' Lien and Maritine Lien.


(c) Perpetual and Periodical Review Systems used for replenishment of inventories.

5. (a) Describe the liabilities of a Multimodal Transport Operator (MTO) under Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act.

(b) Enumerate the precautionary measures to be taken by buyers and sellers to prevent the possible involvement in frauds.
6. Describe the consultation arrangements in
India for resolving shippers' problems.

7. What do you understand by conference system in liner shipping operations ? Explain its utility and outline the regulations (including provisions of UN Convention) concerning shipping conferences.

8. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following :

 (a) Trends in growth of global sea-borne trade.

(b) Inland Container Depots (iCD) and Container Freight Stations (CFS).

(c) Private Sector Participation for development of ports.

(d) Types of Surcharges levied on Basic Freight Rates.

Thursday, 28 May 2015 16:49

ibo-04 solved paper

Term-End Examination

December, 2014
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Answer both parts A and
1. Comment on any four of the following :
(a) One important objective of export import policy is to facilitate technological and
infrastructural upgradation of Indian industry.
(b) Selling under C.I.F contract is good for the country as a whole.
(c) Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) help exporters in reducing manufacturing
cost of export goods.
(d) The Duty Free Import Authorisation (DFIA) scheme which allows imports of input
required for export product is an improvement over the earlier on such schemes.
(e) Exporting is far more riskier than any domestic business of comparable size
(f) EXIM Bank does not provide long – term credit.


Answer any four of the following questions.


2. The broad objective of 'export-import' policy is to act as an effective instrument of economic growth. What strategies are proposed to achieve the objective ? Give a detailed answer.


3. You have received an order for export of chikan kurtas from France. Explain in detail the procedures you have to adopt ensuring timely shipment and realisation of the export proceeds.


4. Discuss briefly various quality inspection schemes covering exports from India. Also describe in detail the "Self Certification" scheme.


5. Discuss the role of Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation in promoting exports from India specifying some schemes to achieve the objective.


6. Discuss the procedures and related documentation needed in customs clearance of import cargo.


7. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Airway bill and Bill of Lading

(b) Role of Clearing and Forwarding Agent

(c) Incoterms

(d) Documents Against Payment (DP) and Documents Against Acceptance (DA)

Sunday, 24 May 2015 14:59

ibo-03 Dec-2014


Term-End Examination
December, 2014
IB0-03 :
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Describe the role of foreign trade in the economic development of a country.

 2. Discuss the major problems faced by India's export sector.

 3. Discuss the major actions taken in fulfilment of India's commitments to World Trade Organisation.

 4. What are the objectives of India's trade reforms ? Outline India's strategy for integrating with World Trade.

 5. What are the benefits and facilities provided to the units located in Special Economic Zones ? Critically examine them.
6. Describe
India's competitive advantages in exports of Indian electronic goods. What strategy would you suggest to boost exports ?

 7. Discuss the trends in Indo-US trade in recent years. What are the major constraints in its expansion ? Suggest measures.

 8. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement (SAPTA)

(b) Market Development Assistance (MDA)

(c) Invisibles in Balance of Payments


Sunday, 24 May 2015 14:52

ibo-02 dec-2014 paper


December, 2014
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt both Part-A and Part-B.
1. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Product positioning in International Market
(b) Counter trade
(c) Franchising as a tool for overseas market entry
(d) Merger and Acquisition
2. Distinguish between any two of the following :
(a) International marketing and Multinational marketing
(b) Advertising and Personal selling
(c) Foreign distributor and Foreign retailer
(d) Observation method and Survey method of data collection
Attempt any four of the following questions :
3. (a) What are the specific advantages that a firm can derive by going international ?
(b) Why the task of the international marketer is more difficult than that of the domestic
marketer ?

4. "Product planning is one of the important fundamental decisions for successful international marketing".
(a) Discuss the various factors to be considered while designing a product for international markets.
(b) Explain the importance of new product development in international markets.
5. (a) What are the factors which determine pricing decisions in international markets ?
(b) Discuss the various pricing methods used in international marketing.
6. Discuss the various techniques of sales promotion in overseas markets
7. a) What are the factors that need to be considered before taking a decision on
whether to go for direct or indirect exports ?

b) What are the considerations to be kept in view for selecting an agent in the overseas markets ?

8. "One of the major challenges relates to the type of orientation that a firm should give to its overseas operations". In the light of the above statement discuss EPRG
orientation of a firm.
9. Discuss the emerging global competitive environment. Examine whether small enterprises have scope in this dynamic emerging global business environment.
in overseas markets.

Monday, 18 May 2015 11:48


Term-End Examination
December, 2014

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections, A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A, each
question carrying 20 marks.
(iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. What managerial skills are required at different levels of management and why ? Briefly describe the roles of top level executives in an organisation. Explain with suitable examples.

2. Explain the concept of MBO. Describe its key features. Critically analyse the extent of feasibility and usefulness of MBO in present day business scenario.

3. How do conflicts get generated in an organisational situation ? How does it impact the group behaviour and functioning of the organisation ? Explain with relevant examples.

4. Define 'Controlling' and discuss the 'Control Process'. Explain with examples the pre-requisites. Identify characteristics of an effective control system, and the method of exercising control in a structured set-up.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Determinants of Inter-personal behaviour
(b) Resistance to Change
(c) Channels of Communication
(d) Models of Decision- making
(e) Group Formation
- B
6. Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end of the case :
Sundar Steel Limited was a medium-sized steel company manufacturing special steels of
various types and grades. It employed 5,000 workers and 450 executives. Under the General Manager (Production), there were operation, maintenance, and service groups, each headed by a chief. The Chief of Maintenance was Shukla and under him Mukherjee was working as the Maintenance Engineer. The total strength of Maintenance was 500 workers, 25 executives, and 50 supervisors. Chatterjee was working in Maintenance as a worker for three years. He was efficient. He had initiative and drive. He performed his duties in a near perfect manner. He was a man of proven technical ability with utmost drive and dash. He was promoted as Supervisor. Chatterjee, now a Supervisor, was one day passing through the Maintenance Shop on his routine inspection. He found a certain worker sitting idle. He pulled him up for this. The worker retaliated by abusing him with filthy words. With a grim face and utter frustration, Chatterjee reported the matter to Mukherjee. The worker who insulted Chatterjee was a "notorious character", and no supervisor dared to confront him. Mukherjee took a serious view of the incident and served a strong warning letter to the worker. Nothing very particular about Chatterjee or from him came to the knowledge of Mukherjee. Things were moving smoothly. Chatterjee was getting along well with others. But after about three years, another serious
incident took place. A worker came drunk to duty, began playing cards, and using very filthy language. When Chatterjee strongly objected to this, the worker got up and slapped Chatterjee. Later, the worker went to his union and reported that Chatterjee had assaulted him while he was performing his duties. Chatterjee had no idea that the situation would take such a turn. He, therefore, never bothered to report the matter to his boss or collect evidence in support of his case.

The union took the case to Shukla and prevailed over him to take stern action against Chatterjee. Shukla instructed Mukherjee to demote Chatterjee to the rank of a worker. Mukherjee expressed his apprehension that in such a case Chatterjee will be of no use to the department, and the demotion would adversely affect the morale of all sincere and efficient supervisors. But Chatterjee was demoted. Chatterjee continued working in the organisation with all his efficiency, competence, and ability for two months. Then he resigned stating that he had secured better employment elsewhere. Mukherjee was perturbed at this turn of events. While placing Chatterjee's resignation letter before Shukla, he expressed deep concern at this development. Shukla called Chief of Personnel for advice on this delicate issue. The Chief of Personnel said, "I think the incident should help us to appreciate the essential qualification required for a successful supervisor. An honest and hard working man need not necessarily prove to be an effective supervisor. Something more is required for this as he has to get things done rather than do himself.
Mukherjee said, "I have a high opinion of Chatterjee. He proved his technical competence and was sincere at his work. Given some guidance on how to deal with the type of persons he had to work with, the sad situation could have been avoided". Shukla said, "1 am really sorry to lose Chatterjee. He was very honest and painstaking in his work. But I do not know how I could have helped him. I wonder how he always managed to get into trouble with workers. We know they are illiterates and some of them are tough. But a supervisor must have the ability and presence of mind to deal with such men. I have numerous supervisors, but I never had to teach anybody how to supervise his men".

Questions :

(a) Identify the problems in this case.

(b) Do you think the decision taken by Shukla is in keeping with the faith, trust and creating developmental climate in the organisation ? Critically evaluate.

(c) How would you help in improving behaviour of employees ?

Monday, 28 July 2014 16:59




PTU MBA BOOKS List please sent email for available in stock or not.

Master of business Administration

Semester - 1


Paper ID

Subject Code

Subject Name

Subject Type




Principles & Practices of Management





Organizational Behavior





Accounting For Management





Quantitative Techniques





Managerial Economics




Communication & Soft Skills




Seminar on Executive Communication




Workshop on Computers for Management











Semester - 2


Paper ID

Subject Code

Subject Name

Subject Type




Business Environment





Production and Operations Management





Human Resource Management





Marketing Management





Financial Management




Workshop on Research Methodology




Workshop on Information Technology











Semester - 3


Paper ID

Subject Code

Subject Name

Subject Type




Applied Operations Research





Corporate Legal Environment




Major I




Major II




Major III




Seminar on Management Information Systems











Semester - 4


Paper ID

Subject Code

Subject Name

Subject Type




Strategic Management





Project Evaluation & Implementation




Major IV / Minor I




Major V / Minor II




Major VI / Minor III




Final Research Project & Viva-Voce


Specialization Subject

Specialization Type : Finance


Paper ID

Subject Code

Subject Name

Subject Type




Financial Services





Investment & Portfolio Management





Management of Financial Institutions





Working Capital Management





Capital Budgeting





Management Control Systems







Specialization Type : Human Resource Management


Paper ID

Subject Code

Subject Name

Subject Type




Organisation Development





Human Resource Development





Advanced Industrial Psychology





Industrial Relations & Labour Laws





Collective Bargaining & Wage Policy





International Human Resource Management







Specialization Type : Information Technology


Paper ID

Subject Code

Subject Name

Subject Type




Programming in C / C++





Database Management Systems





Software Engineering





Advanced Decision Support Systems





Computer Network & Internet





E-Commerce & It Enabled Services







Specialization Type : Insurance and Risk Management


Paper ID

Subject Code

Subject Name

Subject Type




Principles and Practice of Life Insurance & General Insurance





Life of Non life Insurance Domains





Law of Insurance





Risk Management & Life Insurance Underwriting





Liability of Insurance & Life Insurance Claims





Life Insurance Products & Concepts of Reinsurance











Specialization Type : Marketing


Paper ID

Subject Code

Subject Name

Subject Type




Advertising & Sales Management





Services Marketing





Consumer Behaviour





International Marketing





Rural Marketing





Product & Brand Management







Specialization Type : Retail


Paper ID

Subject Code

Subject Name

Subject Type




Retail Concepts and Environment





Supply Chain Management





Retail Store Management





Retail Branding & Strategy





Customer Relationship Management





Mall Management & Risk Management



Wednesday, 19 February 2014 05:54

BLIS-07 Information Technology Basics-June 2011




June, 2011


1.1 Describe different generations of computers with their features.


1.2 Explain the meaning and scope of reprography and micrography. Discuss their roles in libraries

2.1 What are the components of a digital computer ? Describe their functions with the help of a diagram.


2.2 Discuss different types of transmission media in telecommunications.

3.1 What do you understand by operating systems ? Explain its different types.


3.2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using commercial software packages.

4.1 What is MARC format ? Explain the structure of MARCH format.


4.2 What are the objectives of a network ? Explain the range of network services for libraries.

5.0 Write notes on any three of the following (in about 300 words each) :-

(a) Protocols in telecommunications.

(b) Functions of library management systems

(c) Network topology

(d) Search engines

(e) Intranet 


Wednesday, 19 February 2014 05:50

BLIS-06 Information Services-June 2011



June, 2011


1.1 Explain the concept 'information'. Now the term 'information' is considered different from the terms 'data' and 'knowledge' ? Do you feel that in the context of library and information science this distinction is necessary ?


1.2 Enumerate various groups of information users and explain the purposes for which they need information.

2.1 Give an overview of the impact of IC-f in various information services provided by libraries.


2.2 Mention the different types of information service agencies that are considered as facilitators for information transmission. Describe their functions.

3.1 What do you understand by anticipatory reference and information services ? Describe their different types.


3.2 Discuss the needs and functions of documentation and information centers. Describe

the services and products that are expected from them.

4.1 What is meant by long range reference service ? Explain the steps that may be employed in providing these services.


4.2 Explain the characteristics of current awareness services. Briefly describe their types.

5.0 Write short notes on any three of the following (about 300 words each) :

(a) Value of information services

(b) Information analysis

(c) SDI system components

(d) Online searching and databases

(e) ADONIS. 

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