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ignou question Bank -
MS-1 Question Bank

MS-1 Question Bank (12)

MS-1 Question Bank

Friday, 26 October 2012 14:24

Ms-1 Dec 2008


  1. 'To effectively cope       with the demands       of diversifying and expanding responsibilities, as       a manager moves up in       the hierarchy of       the managerial positions, the       managerneeds to update his skills to do justice with       the changing roles in an organisational set       up. Elaborate this statement and       briefly discuss the underlying concepts       with examples.

2. Differentiate between individual and group Decision making. Briefly discuss how can the barriers to effective decision-making be overcome, explain with relevant examples.

3. What are the antecedents and the process of organisational change ? Briefly discuss with suitable examples.

4. What are the elements, Problems, and prerequisites of effective delegation, discuss with suitable examples.

5. Write short notes an any three of the following :

(a) Types of Power

(b) Characteristics of Effective work group

(c) Sources of conflict

(d) Types of leaders

(e) Integration of organisational tasks and activities

Thursday, 25 October 2012 06:40

Ms-1 june 2007


l. "The degree of involvement of managers with various management processes may differ from manager to manager. But all managers have to be concerned with all the processes in an organizational set-up." Elaborate this statetment and discuss briefly the underlying concepts with suitable examples

2. Explain the term 'Bounded Rationality'. What are the factors leading to bounded rationality and satisficing decisions ? Discuss.

3. How is Strategic Planning different from Operational Planning ? Discuss with suitable examples. What are the essential steps in formulating a plan ? Describe with illustration.

4. What is the significance of Organisation Structure and Organisation Chart in the functioning and efficiency of an organisation ? Discuss with examples, the factors which influence the choice of the structure of an organisation.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(i) Theories of Leadership

(ii) Johari Window

(iii) OrganisationCulture

(iv) Control Process

(v) M.B.O.

Friday, 26 October 2012 14:25

Ms-1 Dec 2007


  1. "Merely designing the  organisation structure with efficient groupings to suit its  specific requirements may not achieve the desired goals. However ensuring functional integration of these differentiated groups towards the organizational objectives assumes great significance.','   Elaborate this statement and  discuss the underlying issues, with suitable examples.


2. What kind of decisions:is a manager generally required to make in organisational context ? Differentiate between decision making under risk and under conflict or competition, with suitable examples

3. what are the basic features of delegation ? what problems do managers generally face in implementing delegation ? Briefly discuss the essential prerequisites for effective delegation.

4. Define and distinguish between the dimensions and determinants of organisational culture. Briefly discuss how culture and ethos are maintained in organisations.

5. Write short notes on any threeof the following :

(a) Delphi Technique

(b) Johari Window

c)   Leadership Styles

d)   Matrix Structure

e)     Span of Control

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