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BLIS-02 Library Management-June 2011

June, 2011


1.1 What do you understand by library management ? Explain the Fayol's principles of management indicating their relevance in library management.


1.2 Define "Management Information System (MIS)". Discuss the characteristics and advantages of MIS.

2.1 Explain the governing principles of book selection enunciated by Drury and Dewey.


2.2 Define the term 'periodical'. Discuss the stages involved in ordering procedure of periodicals. Describe the advantages and disadvantages in placing order through an Indian subscription agent.

3.1 What is stacking ? Discuss the different methods of stacking.


3.2 Explain the term 'human resources development (HRD)'. Discuss the various aspects concerning HRD mechanism.

4.1 Describe the components of participative management. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of participative management. Explain how it works in libraries and information centres.


4.2 Explain various methods of library budgeting with their merits and demerits.

5.0 Write short notes on any three of the following

(in about 300 words each) :

(a) Scientific management

(b) Acquisition of non book materials

(c) Browne charging system

(d) Total Quality Management (TQM) in libraries

(e) Importance of financial audit. 

BLIS-O3 Library Classification Theory-June 2011
BLIS-01Library And Society-June2011


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